4.50 from Paddington

Məhsul kodu: 7034

  • 56.48 AZN
  • 45.2 AZN

Agatha Christie
Harper Collins Publishers
Təmin edilmə
7-10 İş günü

Qısa məzmun

Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners.

Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. Now Collins has adapted her famous detective novels for English language learners. These readers have been carefully adapted using the Collins COBUILD grading scheme to ensure that the language is at the correct level for an intermediate learner. This book is Level 5 in the Collins ELT Readers series. Level 5 is equivalent to CEF level B2+ with a word count of 22,000 – 30,000 words.

Each book includes:

Helpful notes on characters

Cultural and historical notes relevant to the plot

A glossary of the more difficult words

Free online resources for students and teachers at www.collinselt.com/readers

Free online audio of the story at www.collinselt.com/eltreadersaudio

The plot: A woman is murdered on a train. When Miss Marple telephones her friend Lucy Eyelesbarrow and asks her to go undercover to investigate, Lucy quickly accepts the challenge! Who is the dead woman? What was the motive for her murder? And why was the body thrown from the train and later hidden at Rutherford Hall? When a second murder takes place, everyone at Rutherford Hall seems in danger, so Miss Marple sets a trap to catch the murderer.

About Collins ELT Readers

Collins ELT Readers are divided into 7 levels: Level 1 – elementary (A2) Level 2 – pre-intermediate (A2-B1) Level 3 – intermediate (B1) Level 4 – upper- intermediate (B2) Level 5 – upper-intermediate+(B2+) Level 6 – advanced (C1) Level 7 – advanced + (C2)

Each level is carefully graded to ensure that the learner both enjoys and benefits from their reading experience.

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Bir kitab : 3.5 AZN
İki kitab : Hər kitaba görə 2.5 AZN
Üç və dörd kitab : Hər kitaba görə 1.8 AZN
Beş - yeddi kitab : Hər kitaba 1.5 AZN
Səkkiz və on kitab : Hər kitaba görə 1 AZN
On bir və daha artıq kitab : Hər kitaba görə 0.7 AZN

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